Monday, April 6, 2009

Animal Treatment-Questions

1. My code of ethics for animals is complicated, and I still haven't completely decided on it. During high school and part of college I gave the subject a lot of thought and decided that I would cut meat out of my diet. I felt that since I had pets, it made no sense for me to go eating other animals no matter what my relation was to them. Unfortunately I didn't have the resources to maintain a healthy enough diet without meat and so I decided to go back to my carnivorous diet. I don't feel especially guilty about my choice but instead my perspective shifted back into my original one-even though humans mostly don't hunt for their food, there are certain nutrients in meat that we require. I do believe that we have mostly eaten meat in the past, it's obvious when you compare our teeth to those of carnivorous animals.
The other day I fed my turtle mealworms. I didn't feel especially guilty about it, because were he out in the wild, he would be eating the same. Since I try to create an environment similar to a non-captive turtle it only makes sense to give him the same kind of food his species is used to.
2. I agree with him on the fact that human suffering is on a higher and more complex level than nonhuman suffering. One thing that doesn't make sense to me is that he states that a person of lesser intelligence shouldn't be disregarded, yet that perfectly describes animals. Also in the case where he gives an example of slapping a baby and a horse, he tried to compare the two which is outlandish-and misses the point that both are wrongful acts.
3. I agreed with him on less than most of his arguments. He seemed to take an approach that was trying to be open and non-subjective but ended up being a little bit opinionated. He could have raised more questions and let the reader answer themselves instead of answering them. I think it would be more beneficial if people could decide on their moral code with their own hearts and not be so influenced into believing one way.

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