Sunday, February 1, 2009


Identity is the ego's output.  I see the ego as the way we take information in, and analyze it.  Ego is also is influenced by how we see ourselves, which is in turn our identity.  We as humans are individuals, yet we identify and strive to fit into classes and groups.  Culture, religion, preference and behavior are all major influences on identity.  Identity can be a horrid thing when a person is overly concerned about it.  Identity can however be used in a positive way.  If an individual wants to make a positive identity for themselves they will do so by good deeds and character.  Identity is like putty-it can be molded and formed, and it can absorb things to grow larger.  We can copy others, but the end result is never a sufficient one.  Striving to be the same as another person only has negative consequences.  I remember seeing a poster once that read:
"Life isn't about finding yourself.  It's about creating yourself"  This statement repulses me.  I personally find it destructive and unhealthy to try to convey or create an identity for others to see.  Finding your own self and preference is key to happiness-the rest (identity) happens naturally.  I'm much more fond of Thoreau's quote about walking to "the beat of your own drum".
I see myself as a free spirit trapped by American life.  Although I can't think of many other cultures I've experienced where I fit in more, it's hard to tell when I've lived here most of my life.  I don't buy into many mainstream fads, but I do reflect some styles and ways of thinking of my generation.  I see myself in the past as extremely curious about music, ethnology, and brain chemistry.  I currently see myself not as overly curious, but definitely over thinking many things.  I see my future self in a more relaxed environment than Chicago.
How others see me is a bit up in the air.  It's very odd to think about, but empathy is an amazing thing.  Putting ourselves in other's place is a necessity for being a compassionate individual.  From what I gather, people see me as light-hearted, humorous and generous.  Those are good qualities-people also say I'm unfairly harsh on criticism, and a worrywart(this one I agree with).  We can build our identities from what others say, but the best way to do it is looking within your thoughts and actions.

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