Monday, February 16, 2009


To be honest I can't grasp what a country is like unless I go there.  Every time I leave US territory I'm pleasantly surprised at how my previous stereotypes weren't true.  It seems that people in other countries go about their days just as we Americans do and yet there are subcultures in each of those societies that represent peace and equality.  The fact that Iran was getting music from Britain (Iron Maiden) and had adopted the punk fashion was interesting. The fact that there was a people's movement in a middle eastern country was not a new idea to me, but still seemed out of place.  Because of the current war in Iraq and Saddam Hussein's dictatorship, I had always matched that kind of "thug" government with the Middle East in general.  After Persepolis, I came to realize that Iran has a history of political uprising that I was unaware of.   The Shah being overthrown was a stunning display of majority rule, and 5 million people uniting for justice is fascinating.  And up until the US overtook Afghanistan and installed a democracy, I hadn't ever connected electing a President with the Middle East.
I can now see Iran as a Republic.  The fact that the Supreme Leader is above the president is understandable, although I wonder how many Iranians would prefer to elect him rather than having a group of experts choose.

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